Temperature and precipitation: Select a station below to view time series plots of mean annual air temperature and precipitation sums since 1949. Years with less than 300 days of valid data are not plotted.
When we refer to current conditions being "warmer than normal" (or colder, or wetter, or drier, or...), we compare current conditions to averages over a 30 year climatological reference period, i.e. the statistical normal. The most recent reference period is 1981-2010 but you may see data based on other time periods, depending on what kind of information is available and how often it is updated. As the reference periods change, so does the statistical normal and the anomalies or "departures from normal" that we calculate based on the normal. The graph below shows mean monthly air temperature and mean monthly precipitation sums for four different reference periods. Select a station and explore how "normal" has changed.