Current research projects

North Slope of Alaska (NSA, AMF3), site operations support

The North Slope of Alaska (NSA) atmospheric observatory is providing data about cloud and radiative processes at high latitudes. This observatory includes a central facility at Barrow (known officially as Utqiaġvik) and, to the east, the third ARM Mobile Facility at Oliktok Point. The NSA is a focal point for atmospheric and ecological research activity in the Arctic. Scientists use data from the NSA to improve the representation of high-latitude cloud and radiation processes in earth system models.


The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) – R Series is the nation’s most advanced fleet of geostationary weather satellites. The GOES-R Series significantly improves the detection and observation of environmental phenomena.


Hyperspectral imaging, also known as imaging spectroscopy, is an advanced remote sensing technology that helps researchers to ‘measure’ rather than simply ‘observe’ from a distance. The technology uses sophisticated sensors that can scan and generate hundreds of images of any target material on the surface of the Earth. These images can be used together to reconstruct the unique pattern in which the material reflects energy, thereby accurately identifying the target. As an example, hyperspectral imaging makes it possible to detect and identify individual minerals in an exposed surface, differentiate between healthy and infected trees of the same specie, and map contaminant distribution in land, water, and air.


Wendler, G., Gordon, T. & M. Stuefer, 2017, On the Precipitation and Precipitation Change in Alaska, Atmosphere, 8, 253

Wendler, G., Galloway, K. & M. Stuefer , 2015 , On the Climate and Climate Change of Sitka, Southeast Alaska , Theor. Appl. Clim , 1-8

Wendler, G., Moore, B. & K. Galloway , 2014 , Strong Temperature Increase and Shrinking Sea Ice in Arctic Alaska , The Open Atmospheric Science Journal , 8, 7-15

Wendler, G., Chen, L. & B. Moore , 2013 , Recent Sea Ice Increase and Temperature Decrease in the Bering Sea area, Alaska , Theor. Appl. Clim

Wendler, G., Chen, L. & B. Moore , 2012 , The First Decade of the New Century: A Cooling Trend for Most of Alaska , The Open Atmospheric Science Journal , 6, 111-116

Wendler, G., J. Conner, M. Shulski, M. Stuefer and B. Moore , 2010 , Climatology of Alaskan Wildfires with Special Emphasis on the Extreme Year of 2004 , Theoretical and Applied Climatology

Wendler, G., M. Shulski, and B. Moore , 2010 , Changes in the Climate of the Alaskan North Slope and the Ice Concentration in the Adjacent Beaufort Sea , Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 99, 67-74

Wendler, G and M. Shulski , 2009 , A Century of Climate Change for Fairbanks, Alaska , Arctic , 62(3), 295-300

Klein, D.R., M. Shulski , 2008 , Lichen Recovery Following Heavy Grazing by Reindeer Delayed by Climate Change , Ambio , 62(3), 295-300

Shulski, M. and G. Wendler , 2007 , The Climate of Alaska , University of Alaska Press , 216pp

Weller, G., M. Nolan, G. Wendler, C. Benson, K. Echelmeyer and N. Untersteiner , 2007 , Fifty Years of McCall Glacier Research: From the International Geophysical Year to the International Polar Year 2007-2008 , Arctic , 60(1), 1001-1011

Damoah R., N. Spichtinger, R. Servranckx, M. Fromm, E. Eloranta, I. Razenkov, P. James, M. Shulski, C. Forster, and A. Stohl , 2006 , Transport Modeling of a Pyroconvection Event in Alaska , Atmos. Chem. Phys , 6:173-185

Wendler, G , 2006 , Climate of the Polar Realms. Chapter 5 in: The Global Climate System by H. Bridgman and J. Oliver , Cambridge University Press , 131-169

Wendler, G , 2006 , Book Review of the Arctic Climate System , Polar Rec , 42(223), 370-372

Hartmann, B. and G. Wendler , 2005 , On the Significance of the 1976 Pacific Climate Shift in the Climatology of Alaska , Journal of Climate , 18, 4824-4839

Stuefer, M. and G. Wendler , 2005 , MM5 Contrail Forecasting in Alaska , Monthly Weather Review , 3517-3526

Wendler, G., M. Shulski and B. Hartmann , 2005 , Potential Climatic Effects of Cirrus Contrails for the Subarctic Setting of Fairbanks, Alaska , Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 81, 149-159

Fan X., J.-F. Chou, B.-R. Guo, and M.D. Shulski , 2004 , A Copule Simple Climate Model and its Global Analysis , Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 79, 31-43

G. Wendler, B. Moore, J. Curtis, M. Stuefer , 2002 , Beautfort Sea Ice Concentration and the Climate of the Alaskan North Slope , Proceedings of the 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2-6 December , 202-210

Nakanishi, S., J. Curtis and G. Wendler , 2001 , The Influence of Increased Jet Airline Traffic on the Amount of High Level Cloudiness in Alaska , Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 68, 197-205

Stafford, J., G. Wendler and J. Curtis , 2000 , Temperature and Precipitation of Alaska: 50 year trend analyses , Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 67, 33-44

Magee, N., J. Curtis and G. Wendler , 1999 , The Urban Heat Island Effect at Fairbanks, Alaska , Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 61, 161-175

Curtis, J., G. Wendler, R. Stone and E. Dutton , 1998 , Precipitation decrease in the Western Arctic, with Special Emphasis on Barrow and Barter Island, Alaska , Intl. J. Clim, 18, 1687-1707

Dissing, D., and G. Wendler , 1998 , Solar Radiation Climatology of Alaska , Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 61, 161-175